
[1] Yılmaz, M. E. (2023). Kiliseye Çevrilen Türk Eserleri (pp. 414-429). YTB Yayınları. | Yurtdışı Türkler ve Akraba Topluluklar Başkanlığı (ytb.gov.tr)

The tomb of Gül Baba

Gül Baba's tomb (türbe) in Budapest, Hungary, is the northernmost Islamic pilgrimage site in the world. The mausoleum is located in the district of Rózsadomb on Mecset (mosque) Street, a short but steep walk from Margaret Bridge.[1]

Gül Baba was a member of the Bektás Dervish Order, who died in Ottoman Buda in 1541.

  1. ^ "Budavári Nagyboldogasszony-templom (Mátyás-templom, Koronázó Főtemplom) (Church of Our Lady of Budavár (Matthias Church, Coronation Main Church))", templom.hu (in Hungarian)
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